

项目概述 The basic physics major is designed for students who are interested in a career in industry, 政府实验室, 和应用科学或进一步学习研究生学位.

For students planning to teach junior or senior high school physics, a cooperative program with the 教育学院 leads to Iowa secondary certification. 学生 complete a program of physics and education courses and a professional semester, 其中包括学生教学经验.

学生 planning to enter medical or dental school may complete their undergraduate major in physics. This program includes the appropriate courses in 生物学 and 化学 needed to satisfy medical or dental school entrance requirements.

For students who have an interest outside the present fields of concentration but whose educational goals can be realized through a combination of existing courses, 可以发展个性化的专业. 教师 members counsel students whose interests lie in this direction. 这种个性化的专业可能包括计算物理, 地球物理学, 物理环境, 生物物理学, 化学物理, 或天体物理学.

B选项.S. 学位, additional courses are offered in physics and physical science to familiarize the general student with the current scientific interpretations of the fundamental physical laws that govern the universe.

教师 The 物理 and Astronomy Department faculty re搜索 interests include astronomy, 天体物理学, 原子物理学, 数学物理, 核物理, 粒子物理.

学术准备 对于一个从事这个领域研究的学生来说, 他或她必须熟悉并喜欢数学. 这门学科在很大程度上依赖于演绎和分析推理. An incoming student should have completed four years of math through pre-calculus in high school. 高中的物理课程是有帮助的,但不是必需的.

专业要求 The Bachelor of Arts 学位 requires a minimum of 31 credit hours in physics, and the Bachelor of Science 学位 requires a minimum of 49 credit hours in physics in a program to be developed by the student and the adviser and approved by the department.

未成年人要求 The physics minor can complement any 学位 in the sciences (mathematics, 计算机科学, 生物学, 化学, 生物化学, 或环境科学), 文科或专业学位(药学), 健康科学, or education) providing a solid 回来ground in scientific knowledge and analytical 技能. A minimum of 18 credit hours of physics courses are required for a minor.

威尼斯人网上娱乐课程 威尼斯人网上娱乐课程, 所有本科生必修课, is designed to help students meet personal and professional goals as they acquire fundamental knowledge and abilities in ten Areas of Inquiry, 包括沟通, 批判性思维, 艺术体验, 历史意识, 资讯科技素养, 国际和多元文化经验, 科学和定量素养, 价值观和道德规范, 参与公民. 学生 work closely with their academic advisers to craft a program of study in general education that prepares students for civic and professional leadership.

威尼斯人网上娱乐的课程也要求一年级的研讨会, which fosters development of 批判性思维 and written and oral communication 技能 through a topical focus, and a Senior Capstone in which students demonstrate the capacity to bring information, 技能, 以及对一个项目的想法.

实习 & 机会 学生 are encouraged to take advantage of re搜索 participation opportunities with professors. 机会存在于许多领域,例如原子物理学, 天体物理学, 核与粒子物理, 量子理论.

Most upper-division students obtain summer internships funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Re搜索 Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at laboratories and universities throughout the United States.

本署设有两个电脑室, 1个教学实验室, 一个研究实验室. 教学实验室有九台个人电脑供学生使用. The re搜索 laboratory has one computer with a 16 parallel processor architecture, 三个阿尔法机器, 和三台Sun工作站. 学生 conducting re搜索 with professors have access to these machines.

职业选择 There is high demand for people with advanced 学位s in physics, 地球物理学, 或天体物理学. Any student who is recommended to pursue a master's or doctorate program in any area of physics will receive full financial support from the graduate school involved in the form of fellowships or assistantships, 包括工资和学费吗. The undergraduate program also provides a sound base for entering medical or law school.

物理专业的学生也可以在工业领域寻求就业机会, 政府, 或中学教学. Some career possibilities are as re搜索 assistants or in applied 计算机科学 at organizations such as Argonne Labs, 贝尔实验室, IBM, 美国国家航空航天局.

There are many career opportunities for a graduate with a bachelor's 学位; however, those opportunities are at a less advanced level than for those with a master's or doctorate 学位.

荣誉 一年级学生, the department conducts the Drake 物理 Prize Examination contest in the spring of each year. The test is offered in high schools in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota. The student with the highest test score is awarded a four-year full tuition scholarship. The top 50 senior students are offered the opportunity to apply in a closed competition for a second four-year, 全额奖学金仅限于物理或天文学专业. The second scholarship is awarded based on a student's overall academic record, 建议, 还有一次校园面试.

In addition, the department awards the Crusinberry Family Endowed Scholarships and Paul S. 和多萝西·H. Helmick Scholarships to undergraduate students who have demonstrated continuing interest and outstanding scholarship in the fields of physics or astronomy. The outstanding junior student is awarded the Helmick Senior Scholarship for his/her senior year and is known as the Helmick Senior Scholar. 优秀的大四学生被授予Paul S. Helmick奖, which consists of a cash award and the inscription of the student’s name on a permanent plaque on display in the department office.

学生组织及活动 A chapter of the Society of 物理 学生 is very active at Drake. 活动包括排球、足球、野餐和实地考察. There is also a chapter of the Sigma Phi Sigma physics honor society.
